Friday, 14 March, 2025

Beyond Good and Evil

Blog by Maximiliano DIaz Magon

“Saturn Devouring His Son” and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

“Saturn devouring his son” by Goya Maximiliano Diaz Magón. The recent armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has, as always, awakened emotional responses from those who support or condemn either side. The competition to establish who is the victim, Read more…

Gringo Aphorisms (Traduccion al español)

Aforismos Gringos Por el amigo de Daniel AmitTraducido del original en Ingles por Maximiliano Diaz Magón. Nota de la traducción: El texto en itálicas es añadido al original cuando se considero que era necesario hacer su lectura mas clara para Read more…

Gringo Aphorisms

Preface The resentment expressed by people around the world towards the military, political and economic behaviour undertaken by the American government is often addressed towards The Americans . However, some people opposing such behaviour are also American citizens. How do Read more…