Friday, 14 March, 2025

Beyond Good and Evil

Blog by Maximiliano DIaz Magon

Gringo Aphorisms


The resentment expressed by people around the world towards the military, political and economic behaviour undertaken by the American government is often addressed towards The Americans . However, some people opposing such behaviour are also American citizens. How do we differentiate between the two? You will find the answer here!

The primary motivation to write this text came from two seemingly unrelated events. The first, an e-mail exchange between Dr. Daniel Amit and the American Physical Society in which he expresses his reasons for stopping collaboration with what he calls American Science (reproduced here verbatim at his request as an appendix at the end of this text). I encourage you to read it before continuing . The second was an apparently trivial event that took place the following summer. While attending a conference in Spain, I witnessed how a young American couple were verbally attacked by a local man in his 60’s referring to them as Gringos . I felt sorry for them, and yet it seemed to me that the old man was expressing genuine indignation (his pain was evident). I did not know what events had taken place before the altercation, but I was left perplexed! During that time there were demonstrations against the American war in Iraq in many cities around the world, and Barcelona was particularly active. I made the connection not only with the political climate, but also with Dr. Amit’s e-mail exchange.

I was familiar with the word Gringo. It is often used by Hispanics as a nickname for white people. It is the name of a Mexican restaurant, and there is also a type of quesadilla named gringa. However, this was the first time I witnessed it’s use as an insult. What started as a curiosity in search for the meaning of the word Gringo, ended in finding what people really resent about The Americans.

There are several accounts for the origin of the word Gringo. Known at least since 1787 [1] , it’s pejorative use seems to have begun during the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. Gringo was used to describe the behaviour of the American Occupation Army, a behaviour which the Mexicans resented [2] . This behaviour is characterized as seeing the local population as sub-human and is best summarized by the word haughty . General Ulyssess S. Grant who was an officer during the war, referred to it as The Wicked War. This behaviour has not changed since, as has been documented in My Lai [3] , Abu Gharib [4], and the urination of Taliban Cadavers in Afghanistan [5] to name a few recent examples. This barbarism is what Dr. Amit refers to in his correspondence.

Not only the Mexicans, but all around the world where American military intervention has occurred, the local population have resented this behaviour. From the girl raped in Okinawa, to the Vietnamese peasant, and yet they call them The Americans. To me, Gringo is a more accurate term to describe this peculiar way of being since it is used to describe behaviour, and not a group of people based on appearance, nationality, religion, etc… I place the word in quotations to differentiate this meaning from others which have deviated and morphed throughout the years just as the term Yankee has morphed into the name of a baseball team or stadium.

In studying the Mexican-American war and its antecedents going back to the Mexican Independence from Spain in 1821, I was amused to see the same techniques used in all subsequent interventions in other countries. Things have changed in the way they are done, but not in their essence. For instance, the role played in the 19th century by Joel Poinsett in Latin-America, is played by Non-Governmental-Organizations (NGO’s) and US embassies in more recent interventions throughout Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and of course, Latin America.

The aim of this text is both to distribute Dr. Amit’s correspondence as he wished, and also to identify clearly what is responsible for the barbaric behaviour; A behaviour that has caused the indignation, not only of Dr Amit, but also of the Mexicans more than 150 years ago, with many in between, and I am afraid, more to come. This demarcation intends to clearly label this way of being which permeates into institutions and governments, and has caused misery and mourning to millions around the globe. People! (including USA citizens) be aware of the dangers of giving a blank cheque to these psychopaths before it is too late!

Why is this text written in Aphorisms? To provoke you my reader! To stimulate reflection and investigation. To be a source of analysis. In short, to make you think for yourself. My reader, do me a favour and challenge what you read here. Try to prove it wrong! Only in this way can you reach true knowledge and form your own opinion.

Based in my failure to distribute Dr. Amit’s exchange at the time (many refused to publish or forecast it, and it was almost erased from the internet shortly after it appeared), I want to distribute this text by appealing in the old fashioned way of one-to-one distribution. I beg you to do the same, distribute this text in any which way, shape, or form, and translate it into any language. Please include Dr. Amit’s email exchange given in the appendix.
Thank you my reader!

I dedicate this text to the memory of Daniel Amit, and to all Daniels, who like him, live or lived with dignity .


If the treaty in its present form is ratified, there will be added to the United States an immense empire, the value of which twenty years hence it would be difficult to calculate [6]

The Mexican-American war was the first imperialist adventure of the USA. Yet, this war is almost forgotten in the USA. It’s as if it never happened! The importance of the formation of the American Empire is not only economical and geo-strategic, but has since, framed the physique of their rulers until the present day.

The enormous gains obtained in this war (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma), was seen as a confirmation of the Manifest Destiny (The idea that white Americans were divinely destined to settle the entire American Continent), and seeded even further, the doctrine that would later become known as American Exceptionalism . This ideology, originally based in Calvinist Predestination, evolved into today’s American Civil Religion, and explains not only the foreign policy of the USA as a moral duty, or God’s mission, but also, the obsession to be perceived as The Good Guy ( The City over the Hill [7] ). This belief was the driver in the accumulation[8] of wealth leading to the formation of the American Empire .

Soon after the Mexican war, the Monroe Doctrine (America for the Americans) was enforced all over the continent, preventing any foreign influence other than the USA in Latin-America. The USA became, for the first time, a transnational capitalist state where the enormous profits of American companies in Latin America were backed by US military force, or the threat thereof. Creating the empires first batch of vassal states.

There is also the loser’s side of the story. At the beginning of the 19th century, and after 300 years of Spanish rule, Spanish America achieved its independence, resulting in the formation of several independent states. Inspired by – a tragic irony – the political ideology of the USA. Signs of this influence can be seen in the flags of many countries in Latin America, many of which look like partial versions of the American flag. Their constitutions were almost copy-pasted from the American constitution. Even the official name of Mexico today is The United States of Mexico . Although Latin American liberals viewed the USA as a model to build their republics, the USA has never viewed Latin America as an equal partner, but rather as The Other, just as they viewed the Native Americans, or their former African slaves. The behaviour of the occupying USA armies reflected this view, and not only did the local populations resent this (Illustrated in the painting: General Scotts entrance into Mexico by Carl Nebel), but also their soldiers gave this behaviour as the reason for their desertion to the Mexican Side ( Saint Patrick’s Battalion was the most notorious case. It was composed of Catholic Irish American soldiers who deserted to the Mexican side). This behaviour was the origin of the pejorative use of the word Gringo, which started to become commonly used in Mexico during and after the occupation by the USA army and it’s subsequent interventions in Mexico (1846, 1914, 1917). It is remarkable that while the original documented meaning of the word Gringo is somebody who does not speak Spanish[9], the Mexicans did not address the French as Gringos when they occupied Mexico. And yet, they called the American soldiers Gringos . We can only conclude that this pejorative term was applied not to the non Spanish speaker, but to a particular behaviour shown by US occupation forces.

The Mexican-American war was followed by a continuos long list of interventions (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc… The recent ones). It is impressive to see the same strategy implemented in all of them. The Gringo way starts with friendly influence and promotion of American Values , followed by a meddling in internal politics, the creation of opposing factions, and the vilification of rulers ( The Bad Guy , The Dictator, The Killer of his people , etc…). What follows are economic sanctions and financial instability. When the country is devastated and in chaos, then the USA army, a proxy local army, NATO, mercenaries, Al-Queda, ISIS, contractors, etc… finish the job. After, reconstruction comes via loans (IMF, World Bank) given to corrupt local pro consuls servants of the American Empire, in charge of overseeing the interest, not of their countrymen or of American citizens, but of the Gringo.

Once upon a time…

  1. The Mexican-American war was the mother of the Gringo , the Cowboy, and the American Civil War in that order.
  2. The Gringo helped build the American Empire. At present, he is destroying it.
    In the future, he may include the rest of the world.
  3. Gringo is not a racial, national, social, religious, economic, academic, professional, gender or ethnic denomination but: a way of being.
  4. There is nothing characteristic in a Gringo to recognize him, her or it[10], but the behaviour.
  5. When someone is called a Gringo:
    It is not always pejorative, but highly likely!
    It is not always a US Citizen , but highly likely!
    It is not always a foreigner, but highly likely!
    It is not always a male, but highly likely!
  6. Not all Gringos are Americans as not all Americans are Gringos .
  7. The Gringo is a minority in a society in which the majority share the same ideology.
  8. The best characterization of the Gringo is the Cowboy – The Texan riding an atomic bomb.[11]
  9. An extraterrestrial would probably be a Gringo , since they will see all humans as aliens, as not equal, as other, as technologically unsophisticated, as inferiors, but above all as savages particularly by the behaviour of the terrestrial Gringo .
  10. The closest antecedent of the Gringo is the pirate. That is why they are – together with the cowboy – beautified by Hollywood.
  11. The Gringo wants to be seen as the Good Guy . When someone refers to him as Gringo he feels caught!
  12. Editing history did not start with Hollywood. Compare the original picture[12] of the occupation of Mexico City by the USA army with the edited copies. [13] The Gringo edits history to look as liberators greeted in the streets by the local population. The Gringo edits everything, even his own religion! He must always be perceived as the Good Guy.
  13. The Gringo says he will win the hearts and minds of the citizens of the country they plan to destroy (for the usual excuse). He will reclaim them in the morgue.
  14. The Sin committed by Wiki Leaks was to show that The Gringo wears no clothes [14] . Trashing more than 200 years of fake democratic peace-loving clothes, tailored by the press, the media, Hollywood and government propaganda
  15. The attitude of the Gringo towards honest reporters, is as heretics , so do not expect the rule of law, but rather a Witch Hunting , the dungeons and the pyre. A short-cut: Target Assassination
  16. The Gringo’s vengeful hatred towards true whistle blowers , is because they expose the naked beast instead of the disguised beauty in the mirror of truth.
  17. The case of Julian Assange, is a Gringo give away confession of what they really are
  18. The Gringo would be the perfect Superman for Neitzsche if his values were the opposite. He does not overcome his animality, but quite the contrary: He is the tightrope buffoon [15] jumping backwards and sending to the ground anyone coming forward. [16]
  19. The Gringo is a product of the technological age. That is why he is nothing without a fire gun.
  20. I am an American! is the motto of the Gringo , even for those who were not born in the USA.
  21. Citizen Kane[17] is the most refined example of the Gringo .
  22. Just as in the Renaissance, the most staunch critics of the Pope were the Priests and the Monks, today the most staunch critics of the Gringo are the Americans.
  23. Amongst the greatest admirers of the Gringo are the non-Americans whose countries have been ravaged by the Gringo.
    Stockholm syndrome anyone?
  24. The Gringo from the Cowboy to the Chauvinist General, poses the will of a child and that of the Homeric hero, but lacks the innocence of the child and the ethics of the hero.
  25. A child will mature to be responsible first for himself and later for others. The Gringo lacks responsibility even of himself. He is trapped in his magical infant world of self righteousness and unquenched greed . He will kill a human, just as the toddler will pluck a chick to death with no remorse. The entire universe is contained to himself.
  26. The hero sacrifices himself for others. The Gringo sacrifices others for his ego.
  27. The Gringo is the Anti-hero par excellence. Transmuted into a hero by Hollywood
  28. The Soviets [18] defeated the Nazis in Kursk and Leningrad, and took Berlin [19]. The Gringo defeated the Nazis in Hollywood (Until today!) and took the whole of Europe (Until Today!).
  29. Europe: A Gringo occupied land and amusement parc inc.
  30. After the Mexican-American war, the Gringo got his first batch of vassal countries . After World War II he got his second batch. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, his third.
  31. The Europe that most Europeans brag and many non Europeans admire is: Greek Philosophy, Roman Law and Old fashioned Christianity. All are dead -leaving in their place a club of vassal states to the Gringo .
  32. What burned in Notre Dame [20] was an empty casket.
  33. The Gringo has no religion, but the opposite: An ideology – Exceptionalism – with God as a pretext.
  34. The God’s of the Gringo : One from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, one from the Calvinists, Science and Democracy for the atheists. Recently Buddha and Mother Nature have been hired!
  35. Gringo’s Hidden God: US Dollar!
  36. The relation with his Christian God is that of the spoiled child . He knows he will get away with anything. Is the perfect bully . Is Dad’s favourite!
  37. The belief that he can Lie, Cheat and Steal [21] with impunity , is a religious one. Deeds do not matter for God’s chosen.
  38. The Gringo is always fighting evil. Evil is anything that opposes the will of God’s chosen .
  39. The Gringo claiming his Christian God as his guide and mentor is bold and cynical heresy! Same as placing His name in bank notes! [22]
  40. If Jesus Christ would despise someone more than the money lenders , that would be a Gringo (some are both!).
  41. Originally restricted to white, anglo-saxon and protestant (WASP) , the Gringo has evolved to include all colors, races, and religions, in as far as they behave as indicated here. The Gringo became Universal , yet there still exists hierarchies and the WASP descendants inherit their rights.
  42. Trump was not an accident but a strategy! Same as Obama!
  43. His philosophy is Manichaeism: The Good Guy and the Bad Guy , With us or against us, The free world and the rest of the world, the saved and the damned . In short: We and the expendable other.
  44. There is a macabre and obscene conduct in the Gringo when dealing with his enemies such as: taking pictures of themselves with the corpses of dead combatants like a hunting trophy , the collection of personal items from their killings (pictures of the families of their victims as memorabilia), the crude justification of genocide [23] , the joyful trivialization of the murder of heads of state, [24] etc…
  45. The Gringo does not hate his enemies or love his friends. He despises both! That is why he can trivialize or have fun while killing or torturing them, in reality and in Hollywood.
  46. The Gringo only hates the ones which contradict his belief in exceptionalism: John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Malcolm X, etc…
  47. For some reason the anti-Gringo has lower life expectancy.
  48. The Gringo ethos is exceptionalism (full stop!). Faking a shadow Egalitarian Democracy for foreign and internal consumption.
  49. Because his belief in his righteousness is ideological, like the Free market is for Capitalism, or the Class struggle for Marxism, it can’t exist without such primacy. It is essential to his existence that he must always be the Good Guy and regardless of what he does, he is always justified. For this he needs to both victimize himself and criminalize the victim.
  50. There is one feeling that the Gringo is incapable of experiencing: shame!
  51. The Gringo holy trinity:
    The Sheriff imposing world order (his), the rule of law (to others), Democracy (American style) with a gun.
    The Cowboy imposing his business and way of life everywhere with a gun.
    The Criminal drug cartels, mercenaries, corrupt leaders, arms sales, target assassinations, coups d’etat, Al Queda, ISIS, etc… with a a gun
    All in the name of Civilization, Democracy , Human Rights, The Free World, Western Values , etc…
  52. The Gringo treatment: First the Sheriff, then the Cowboy, and finally the Criminal.
  53. The Gringo has no identity conflict. He knows who he is and likes what he does. He will cross any Rubicon and cut any Gordian Knot in his way without remorse, hesitation, or guilt. Yet, he is the ethical contrary to Julius Cesar, and Alexander the Great.
  54. The Gringo sees all reality as subservient to his self-righteousness. Wherever he sees evil it is the other.
  55. The Gringo will see the Nazi evil in Picasso’s Guernica [26] and use it to justify his own Guernica’s. He can not see the Guernica in Hiroshima, Tokyo, Dresden, My-Lai, Fallujah, Yemen, Raqqah, etc…
  56. The Gringo will always do to others The Good for him.
  57. Peace for the Gringo is a half-time show in an endless game
  58. The principal export of the Gringo is war, but also fake propaganda: Democracy, peace, human rights, legality and love which he uses as the vanguard.
  59. The Gringo blames others for what he does or plans todo. It is the bully complaining of being abused. [27]
  60. The Gringo hides his crimes with virtuosity . He will give cookies to children (picture taken) in the street, while torturing and killing their parents in the dungeons. Abu Ghraib prison anyone?
  61. The Gringo mindset is very simple. We the people are the only people.
  62. The Gringo is incapable of shame. He is deprived of any guilt sentiment, so there can be no way he is in the wrong . When the evidence is overwhelming, then it was a mistake, he was mislead! An error! After all he meant good.
    The transmutation of the criminal into a victim.
  63. The Gringo only apologizes when it is convenient and as part of deception .
  64. If Hollywood has shown us that a handful of Gringos is enough to destroy an army, then what is this gargantuan military doing around the world? Either it is contrary, or it is just for business. Maybe both?
  65. The Gringo needs an enemy. The Native for the Cowboy. The Bad Guy for the Sheriff. The law for the criminal. When there is no enemy in sight, he will invent one. [28]
  66. There is one thing worse than being the enemy of the Gringo , to be his friend. [29] Ask the Native Americans, Latinos, Pancho Villa, Hitler [30], The Iranian Shah, Noriega, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Husseing, etc… Even a short romance is enough – Gadaffi anyone?
  67. Gringo friend is an oxymoron.
  68. The Gringo only has empathy towards themselves.
  69. The Gringo believes he is Achilles, [31] but is a Iago [32] .
  70. There have been, and will continue to be, many Othello’s who will end up killing what they love most, and themselves by trusting the Gringo .
  71. The Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, or the chemical weapons in Syria, were Iago’s handkerchief in Gringo’s hands.
  72. People’s ignorance of unedited history is one of the Gringo’s best assets. They use the same script over and over again. From American Blood in American Land [33] to Weapons of Mass Destruction [34] with hundreds of performances in between.
  73. The Gringo has produced a mutant offspring: The Vicarious Gringo . This is a universal pseudo- Gringo that you can find everywhere in the world, including the USA.
  74. The Vicarious Gringo is not committed to his will like the Gringo is, but to convince everyone (including himself) that he is a Gringo
  75. By denying his forefathers his origin and culture, the Vicarious Gringo is an orphan wishing to be adopted by The Founding Fathers .
  76. The 19th century Latin American liberals believed that We the People referred to all of humanity! The Vicarious Gringo believes that he is included. Both are wrong!
  77. In trying to show that he is a Gringo , the Vicarious Gringo becomes more Gringo than the Gringo .
  78. The Vicarious Gringo becomes more racist, more fundamentalist and more dogmatic than the Gringo that is why he looks grotesque .
  79. If I had to choose between a Gringo and a Vicarious Gringo , I will choose the first. Originality has value in and of itself.
  80. An American Vicarious Gringo: A Multicultural he or she. In the United Nations highly likely!
  81. A Hispanic Vicarious Gringo : A border patrol agent highly likely!
  82. An Oriental Vicarious Gringo : A guy waiving an American Flag and demanding democracy to the ones who give them the right to vote. In Hong Kong for sure!
  83. An African American Vicarious Gringo : Black from outside and white from inside.
  84. The Gringo will fail a lie detector test, but pass a psychopath test with honours. The Vicarious Gringo will do the same but with far lower marks.
  85. The Vicarious Gringo does not know he is an imposter. He believes he was born in the wrong place and is just correcting the mistake!
  86. The Vicarious Gringo hates his compatriots because they betray his fakery. The Gringo does not hate them, only sees both with contempt.
  87. If you see a Gringo playing the buffoon , it is more likely to be a Vicarious Gringo .
  88. The Gringo has a superiority complex fed by his success. The Vicarious Gringo has an inferiority complex fed by the success of the Gringo .
  89. The only American war without Gringos was The American Civil War.
  90. The Gringo has never won a war without the help of the Vicarious One .
  91. The Gringo did not succeed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Cuba because at the time, they were not sufficiently Westernized .
  92. Latin America is easy, the Vicarious Gringo is everywhere!
  93. Europe? Well, no need for military intervention. They are under occupation since WWII, with the exception of France which had its own Putin [35] .
  94. Russia, China, Iran, Afghanistan, etc… Are difficult because they believe they are as exceptional as the Gringo and want to be their own culture.
  95. The Gringo does not play Chess. He plays Wits.
  96. The Vicarious Gringo does not play Chess or Wits. He plays The Pet .
  97. The Vicarious Gringo is the guardian dog of the Gringo’s interest.
  98. Let’s be fair, the Gringo is generous with Pet Food .
  99. The Vicarious Gringo is at the feet of the Gringo and at the neck of his countrymen (even in the US).
  100. The Vicarious Gringo is a member of the exceptional club, but only to pay his fees. Part of the fee goes towards his kibble.
  101. The most effective, lethal, accurate, and efficient weapons of the Gringo are not his atomic arsenal, or his carrier groups, or stealth strategic bombers, or his almost 1000 military bases around the world, but:
    Hollywood, his embassies, the School of the Americas and US-AID. Above all are: the printing dollar machine, and the “Vicarious Gringos”. Without these last two the others are useless.
  102. There are schools for Vicarious Gringos . The most infamous is in Georgia.
  103. Admittance requirements:
    Men from unprivileged group (racial, social, economical) graduated with honours from a military academy. No english is required. Patriots abstain from applying . Or, young and ambitious from the privileged upper middle class. English proficiency is assumed. White is preferred but not necessary (black, brown, yellow, etc…) will be considered if their inside is white. Participation in identity politics is a plus. Applications should be directed to the nearest US embassy.
  104. The Gringo exports misery. The Vicarious Gringo imports it. The payment is in US dollars.
  105. After enjoying his fidelity, unconditionality, amusement, and guardianship, the Gringo will euthanize his pet when convenient .
  106. Expecting the Gringo to leave you alone by making concessions, is like asking the lion to leave you alone by feeding him with one of your legs (you need to believe me since there are no witnesses alive. The last one was named Gadaffi)
  107. A Gringo word of honour is an oxymoron.
  108. With the emancipation of the African-American slaves, and the massive immigration from Latin-American countries – both for economic reasons -, the Gringo internalized The Other he made them his countrymen but nevertheless they remained The Other .
  109. The mind of the Gringo is binary. There is only 1s and 0s, not only in this life, but also in the afterlife. He is predestined by God to be the saved. The other is the damned . It explains Manichaeism when dealing with everything and why he feels entitled to anything.
  110. John F. Kennedy: The only anti- Gringo president. Paid for it!
  111. No one should be offended by this text except the Gringo .
  112. Why did the Mexicans not call the French Gringos ? They stayed even longer! [36]
  113. If Gringo is not a derogatory word, why are people trying to prove that it is not?
  114. If you want to find out if Gringo is an offensive word, just call a Gringo Gringo . (do it at your own risk)
  115. When the Gringo says There is no moral equivalence between them and us , they are being honest without knowing!
  116. The only difference between The Cowboy, The Sheriff, and the Criminal is their employer.
  117. In the Wild west there was: The Cowboy, The Sheriff and the Outlaw. Their bosses: The Ranchers, The Government and Themselves. Nothing has changed except their names: Corporations, Security Agencies, and the Military Industrial Complex. Their victims: the same!

Anti Gringo Vaccination

  1. A deaf, mute and illiterate person is the least vulnerable
  2. Do not trust what the Gringo says, writes, or promises. Trust only what he does!
  3. The Gringo does not honour any treaty he signs. Ask anyone from the Native Americans to Gorbachev. There is a long list of betrayals
  4. Only make a deal with the Gringo if you can enforce its application. Now there is no way so stay away!
  5. To win against the devil, you need to be worse. So do not try to outsmart the Gringo (even if it looks like you can). Stay away as much as possible. Quarantine him!
  6. Do not play Wits: he is the master of cunning.
  7. Play chess. In chess you do not listen, speak or read! You only observe his moves and you move accordingly. He is lost!
  8. Above all have dignity! Be proud of who you really are, your origins, forefathers, culture, religion. In other words, be yourself. The Gringo prays on the ungrounded, the insecure, the disenfranchised, the weak, the resented, the fake. In short the pariah.


The Gringo mentality was born addicted to war as an easy way to gain wealth and power. War, once a burden to the economy of nations, done the Gringo way, became a generator of wealth for both the arms industry, and it’s transnational companies (The American Fruit Company as an early example). Wars of intervention away from home, with the excuse of doing Good or Defending the Homeland, were popular and became a national way of being. War became normalized, and a motive for pride! It is an unwritten law deeply grounded in the American mentality, that every president should have His War.

The Mexican-American War was the conception of a baby which would later become the Military Industrial Complex. It started with advanced artillery pieces, which decimated the Mexicans at the time. To this day the gargantuan bellicose machine needs to be fed with the best technology, and an obscene astronomic budget based on debt, paid off by printing money without the need to produce anything.

The Mexican Curse

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

Addictions take the life of the addict. The drug becomes necessary for their very existence, and so the Gringo just like the gambler, drug user and alcoholic can’t quit his addiction. Every time he takes it, he becomes jubilant, happy and wants to go drink a beer in celebration. [37]

The Gringo’s drug is power and it’s representation money. The addiction is called Greed. It was not long after the Mexican-American War that the fight for the spoils ended in the bloody American Civil War. The system worked very well up to WWII. The first sign of exhaustion was the Vietnam War, when the Gringo was unable to impose his will, regardless of his overwhelming superiority. For the first time the gain in real wealth was transformed into fake wealth (Debt) [38]. It marked the turning point where the main purpose of war became purely financial. This explains why after WWII, with few exceptions (Grenada 1987, Panama 1989), all military adventures were military failures, but amounted to huge gains for the Military Industrial Complex.

The Gringo can’t stop his militaristic approach. Just like the addict starves his own family to feed his vice, the Gringo neglects his own country. The shareholders only care about the stock market and their artificial gains as numbers on their computer screen. No one understands why the military adventures, with the promise of democracy and a better life, only create chaos and destruction. The main goals of these adventures are financial gains for the Military Industrial Complex as well as to obstruct emerging powers, which are not addicted to war, and have other means of solving their problems and disputes. Now, the mighty empire gives signs of decay at home, and abroad is incapable of maintaining the rhetoric of being the benefactor of the world. His economy, based only upon the dictatorship of the US dollar, a reserve currency backed by military might, is becoming obsolete. The Gringo is unable to adapt to the new correlation of forces, because he lacks insight and self criticism. The result of hubris, arrogance and the selfish ideology of exceptionalism prevents him from acquiring skills other than war, that would avoid the collapse of the American Empire.


  1. “DICCIONARIO CASTELLANO” Esteban de Terreros y Pando Madrid MDC-CLXXXVII.
  2. “Tradiciones y Leyendas de la Ciudad de Mexico” Artemio del Valle-Arizpe
  3. Massacre of unarmed civilians women and children by US Army
  4. Torture of prisoners in Iraq prison
  5. Documented on video, the soldiers were acquitted in US trial
  6. President Polk, Diary, February 28, 1848 (Referring to the peace treaty with Mexico). From: So Far From God: The U.S. War With Mexico. John S.D. Eisenhower.
  7. 1630 John Winthrop’s sermon to the puritan Massachusetts settlers
  8. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
  9. “DICCIONARIO CASTELLANO” Esteban de Terreros y Pando Madrid MDC-CLXXXVII
  10. Entities, like: Institutions, Governments, etc…
  11. Stanley Kubrick movie “Dr. Strange Love”
  12. “General Scotts entrance to Mexico” by Carl Nebel (eye witness)
  13. “The Occupation Of The Capital Of Mexico City By The American Army” Christian Schussele.
  14. Reference to “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
  15. Netzsche’s “So Spoke Zarathustra”
  16. Aggression to any country that is progressing but is not it’s vassal
  17. Movie by Orson Wells 1943
  18. Today Russia and most eastern European countries
  19. The Soviets sustained the highest casualties during WWII, they lost 25 million people and surrounded the Germans in their capital.
  20. Burning of Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris, France 2019.
  21. Reference to public admission from en ex CIA Director and acting Secretary of State.
  22. “In God we Trust” Legend on the Dollar bills
  23. Former US Secretary of State referring to the children who died in Iraq as a result of US economic sanctions.
  24. Acting US Secretary of State referring to the vicious killing of Muhammad Muammar Gadaffi (“We came, We saw, he Died”)
  25. William Walker as the prototype.
  26. That is why he refers those who oppose his will as “Nazi’s” or “Hitler’s”.
  27. “He tried to kill my dad!” GW Bush to justify the war in Iraq
  28. That is why even United Nations and international law are sometimes his enemies.
  29. Henry Kissinger referring to the USA
  30. Adolf Hitler appeared in Times Magazine as “Man of the year” in 1938.
  31. Greek hero.
  32. Personage in Shakespeare’s play Othello
  33. Excuse to declare war to Mexico.
  34. Excuse to declare war to Iraq.
  35. Charles de Gaulle.
  36. French Intervention in Mexico known as the Second Empire 1862-1867
  37. Statement in television (in reference to the assassination of the Iranian General in 2020) by a “moderate” democrat US journalist
  38. Richard Nixon removed the Gold Standard for the dollar in order to finance the Vietnam war.

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